Conference: Arbitration and Fraud in Russia & CIS

In this online conference, we shine the spotlight on Russia and the CIS, jurisdictions where arbitration is commonly used to litigate.
In panel discussion – Horizon scanning – arbitration and asset recovery in a post-pandemic world – participated our partner Valts Nerets
The world has seen unprecedented changes in the last year, some of which profoundly affected the legal sector. From insolvency moratoria to remote hearings, legal work has changed. Fraudsters have also changed with the times: they also work from home, and cyber fraud has increased rapidly. This panel will consider what changes are temporary, and which ones are here to stay. More widely, looking ahead at the next 12 months, our panel will seek to predict what the biggest trends in arbitration and asset recovery will be – who will be litigating, where and how? Will the after shock of Covid be the driving force, or will other factors such as a new US administration, sanctions or indeed Brexit also have a material effect?