A seminar on “Legal weapons to fight corporate crime directed against your company” was held in Riga on November 23.

The main issues covered at the seminar to take into account and keep in mind are:

  • Ensure internal processes are working: you need to show what rules were breached.
  • Do not act on impulse. Fate favours those who come prepared: secure your evidence.
  • Do not forget your team. They will need clear leadership through the crisis.
  • Be aware that of what your board members are doing.
  • Don’t forget – if your board is cheating – your company can be criminally liable as well!

It was an honour and a pleasure to welcome Alexander Khaki, our guest from CSI Group, who helped make this event special!

We also thank Agris Repšs, Viktorija Jarkina and Linda Reneslâce (Sorainen Latvia), Norman Aas and Carri Ginter (Sorainen Estonia) plus Darius Raulušaitis and Jurgita Karvele (Sorainen Lithuania) for making presentations and sharing their knowledge.

To be continued next year!