We successfully represented Krässik (formerly Daxin Baltic and other fuel trading sector companies from the Daxin Group) in complex legal proceedings related to abuse of position by Krässik’s previous management board.

Supreme Court clarifies management board’s civil liability

This case involved numerous civil, criminal, anti-money-laundering and white collar investigations. Our team represented the victim in criminal investigations and civil proceedings along with providing consultations on asset tracing. In one civil case we successfully represented the client in the Supreme Court leading to a landmark decision on April 3rd 2019 clarifying the civil liability of the management board along with the liability of legal entities used for embezzlement (Supreme Court case no 2-16-3785).

This case was monumental in many ways – in addition to the landmark decision by the Supreme Court, to date, claims which have been filed are among the biggest in Estonia and the former CEO of Daxin Baltic has been sentenced to six months in prison for embezzlement – a decision which is unprecedented in Estonia.

Our team representing the client

The client was represented by partner Carri Ginter, counsels Norman Aas and Karl Kask, along with associates Piret Schasmin and Albert Linntam.