One of the measures by which the Belarusian Government aims to mitigate the consequences for consumers of the crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic was adopted by Resolution 184,[1] which is in force from 01 April 2020.

Resolution 184 introduces a moratorium for all Belarusian business entities, regardless of the form of ownership, on price increase prices (tariffs) of over 0.5% monthly. In exceptional cases, a larger increase in prices (tariffs) may be agreed with the Commission on State Regulation of Pricing under the Belarusian Council of Ministers in not more than 2 business days. The criteria on which the Commission will base its coordination of price increases (tariffs) of more than the established threshold are not specified in Resolution 184.

Failure to comply with the prohibition will be considered as a gross violation of trade regulations, entailing administrative liability in the form of a fine up to 40 basic units.[2] Based on the circumstances of each specific violation of the moratorium, business entities can also be held accountable for violation of antitrust laws as well as legislation on pricing and trade.

Compliance with Regulation 184 will be monitored by the Ministry of Antimonopoly Regulation and Trade (MART), local executive committees as well as the State Control Committee (KGK) within its competence.

[1] Resolution of the Council of Ministers No. 184 “On Temporary Measures to Stabilize the Situation in the Consumer Market”

[2] Articles 12.17 and 12.4 of the Administrative Code of the Republic of Belarus.