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MG Valda has acquired land at former factory Skaiteks from Panevëþio keliai and closed one of the biggest real estate development transactions in Lithuania so far this year. With this transaction Naujasis Uþupis, a subsidiary company of Panevëþio keliai, which was established for the Paupys project, transferred its shares to MG Valda. Paupys is the […]
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SORAINEN Estonia is assisting Betoonimeister, an Estonian company involved in manufacturing articles from concrete, cement and plaster, in its acquisition of TM Betoon, a ready-mix concrete provider based in Tartu, Estonia, as a going concern asset transaction. SORAINEN is advising the client throughout the process, from drafting transaction documents, conducting negotiations, obtaining merger clearance to […]
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SORAINEN Lithuania advised Aurika Group, a holding company, on acquisition of a minority interest in its daughter company Aurika. Aurika is the leading flexo printing house in the Baltic States, providing high-quality labels, packaging and related services. Aurika printing products and services are used by large, medium and small food, beverage, cosmetic, chemical, alcohol and pharmaceutical […]
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Sorainen sniedza konsultācijas STARCO par sagatavošanos darījumam ar Bohnenkamp. 2016. gada 17. maijā Vācijas vairumtirgotājs Bohnenkamp un STARCO parakstīja darījumu, kā rezultātā Bohnenkamp pārņem STARCO pēcpārdošanas darbības Ziemeļvalstīs, Beniluksa valstīs un Vācijā un STARCO sabiedrību Austrumeiropā, bet STARCO pārņem Bohnenkamp pasažieru automašīnu treileru operācijas saistībā ar oriģinālu iekārtu ražotājiem, kā arī klientus. Bohnenkamp grupa ir viens no […]
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SORAINEN together with Mannheimer Swartling advised Swedish based company Hilding Anders – the leading manufacturer of beds in Europe, Russia and Asia – on acquisition of the Lithuanian company Mingridas. Mingridas operates in Jonava, where mostly local materials are used for manufacturing beds and spare parts. The company employs a team of over 120 woodworkers, carpenters, designers and other […]