Lūdzu, izmēģiniet citus meklēšanas kritērijus
SORAINEN Estonian office advised Amanda V East L.P., the fund managed by Finland-based eQ Private Equity, in making investment into DenCap. DenCap already held investment in dental care provider Unimed Group and has now additionally acquired occupational health care service provider Qvalitas. Amanda V East L.P. made the investment as a direct co-investment with BaltCap […]
SORAINEN konsultēja Northern Horizon Capital par tā Igaunijas ieguldījumu fonda pārvaldniekalicences pārveidošanu par alternatīvo ieguldījumu fonda pārvaldnieka (AIFM) licenci un jauna publiska “mūžzaļa” slēgtā nekustamā īpašuma fonda izveidi (evergreen closed-ended real estate fund). Igaunijas Finanšu uzraudzības iestāde (EFSA) 2016. gada 23. maijā izsniedza AIFM licenci un reģistrēja Baltic Horizon Fund fondu. Northern Horizon Capital ir nekustamā īpašuma […]
Sorainen represented Mantinga, one of the largest manufacturers of frozen and chilled food products in Lithuania, in a case concerning an anti-competitive agreement between Mantinga and Maxima, the largest retail chain in Lithuania. In terms of scope, the case was one of the most complicated in the history of Lithuanian competition law. It was also […]
SORAINEN sniedz juridisko palīdzību RB Rail, tostarp izstrādā līgumu starp visiem ES finansējuma saņēmējiem par ES finansējuma pārvaldīšanu, kontroli un atskaišu sniegšanas aspektiem, izstrādā iepirkumu stratēģiju RB Rail un Rail Baltic / Rail Baltica dzelzceļa būvniecības projektam, konsultē par publisko iepirkumu, kas saistīti ar projekta īstenošanu, tiesiskajiem aspektiem, un izstrādā iepirkumu nolikumus un iepirkuma līgumus […]
SORAINEN advised BITË group, a major mobile operator in Lithuania and Latvia, on acquisition of a controlling shareholding in Spainetos prekybos sistema and its Latvian subsidiary, Spaineta Latvia. Spaineta operates a retail network distributing BITË services, smartphones and accessories, with over 200 staff in Lithuania and Latvia. BITË Group controls a leading mobile operator in the […]