Sorainen assisted Akce Holding Malta in establishing the European Merchant Bank in Lithuania and obtaining a specialised bank licence. The licence was issued by the European Central Bank at the request of the Bank of Lithuania. Akce Holding Malta is among the first Lithuanian banking market participants to be granted a specialised bank licence. Akce […]
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Sorainen assisted Akce Holding Malta in establishing the European Merchant Bank in Lithuania and obtaining a specialised bank licence. The licence was issued by the European Central Bank at the request of the Bank of Lithuania. Akce Holding Malta is among the first Lithuanian banking market participants to be granted a specialised bank licence. Akce […]
Sorainen konsultēja Havas Media Group par 51% Idea Group akciju iegādi, kas tiek uzskatīta par lielāko ieguldījumu Baltijas mārketinga un komunikāciju tirgū. Havas tika dibināta Parīzē 1835. gadā, un tagad tā ir viena pasaules lielākajām komunikāciju aģentūrām, kuras apgrozījums pērn pārsniedza 2,2 miljardus EUR. Koncerns darbojas vairāk nekā 100 valstīs un nodarbina vairāk nekā 20 […]
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Sorainen represented Russian commercial bank Alfa Bank in a case concerning recognition of a London Court of International Arbitration decision in Lithuania. After the Lithuanian Court of Appeal decided in favour of our client, the forced recovery of EUR 20 million from the owner of Arvi group, Vidmantas Kuèinskas, is under way. The decision of the Lithuanian […]
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Sorainen assisted Technopolis Lietuva in concluding a lease agreement with SEB Global Services. SEB has leased office premises in the new Technopolis business centre currently under construction. It is the highest value lease agreement in Lithuania in 2018. SEB will take up 12,500 m2 which is approx 47% of the total area of the Nova building currently under construction, […]