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Sorainen nõustas USA tarkvaraarendajat Rogue Wave Software iduettevõtte ZeroTurnaround omandamisel. ZeroTurnaround on loonud kolm rakendust nimega JRebel, XRebel ja XRebel Hub, mis aitavad koodimuudatuste sünkroonimise teel Java arendajate aega kokku hoida. Tehnoloogiat kasutab üle 5200 ettevõtte ja nende 65 000 aktiivse kasutaja enam kui 90 riigis. Rogue Wave’i tegevjuht Brian Pierce ütles, et tehing on kooskõlas […]
Sorainen advised PlusPlus on registering in a Public List of Consumer Credit Providers in Lithuania. In expanding its operations, PlusPlus is planning to acquire and administer consumer loan portfolios in Lithuania. A member of the PlusPlus group of companies, PlusPlus is owned by a pan-Baltic receivables management company with offices in Tallinn, Riga and Vilnius. […]
Sorainen represented Meseta in a case involving the 0% VAT rate. The Lithuanian Supreme Administrative Court ruled that tax administrators had unjustifiably imposed EUR 2 million in VAT, fines and interest on Meseta for allegedly unfair application of 0% VAT rates. The Court declared that the State Tax Inspectorate and other institutions that examined the […]
Sorainen is advising Owens Corning on the acquisition of Paroc Group, a leading producer of mineral wool insulation for building and technical applications in Europe. The total disclosed value of the acquisition of Paroc Group facilities in Finland, Lithuania, Poland, Russia and Sweden is EUR 900 million. NYSE-listed Owens Corning develops, manufactures and markets insulation, […]
Sorainen regularly consults international film festival Kino pavasaris on employment and intellectual property law matters. Kino pavasaris, the main key cultural event in Lithuania, has been operating since 1995. The Sorainen team, led by partner Þygimantas Pacevièius, consists of counsel Stasys Drazdauskas, senior associates Agnietë Venckienë and Jurgita Karvelë, with associates Aurelija Daubaraitë and Juliana Pavilovska.