Sandoriai ir bylos
Sorainen is helping Prior Rights, an IT start-up company, with legal issues in relation to development of the client’s innovative mobile application, which aims to protect users’ copyrights on photographs. The Sorainen team is advising on the implications of use of the mobile app, copyright enforcement and data protection. Partner Agris Repšs, senior associate Andris Tauriòš and associate Linda […]
Sandoriai ir bylos
Sorainen Estonia advised the shareholders of Samat bus company on the sale of a majority shareholding to competitor Hansabuss. Founded by Estonian investors in 1991 and employing over 80 people, Samat services bus lines mainly in Northern Estonia and also offers other services related to bus operation. Samat’s forecast turnover for 2016 is approx EUR […]
2015–2016 m. „Sorainen“ bendradarbiavo su startuolių platforma „BZN start“. Šios partnerystės metu „Sorainen“ prisidëjo prie startuolių bendruomenės Lietuvoje stiprinimo ir švietimo. Projekto metu „Sorainen“ rėmė didžiausius Lietuvoje startuolių apdovanojimus ir įsteigė prizą „Išradingiausio technologinio startuolio“ kategorijoje, kurioje nugalëjo „Siuntinukas.lt“. „Sorainen“ ekspertas Mantas Petkevičius, vyresnioji teisininkė Rasa Mikutienė, teisininkai Artūras Asakavičius ir Vytautas Sabalys teikė teisines […]
Sandoriai ir bylos
Sorainen advised Lords LB Baltic Fund IV in the acquisition of an office building in central Tallinn known as EU House. The transaction posed some unique challenges due to the fact that the property is structured as a building title and parts of the building remained under reconstruction during the transaction. Additionally, the transaction involved use of […]
Sandoriai ir bylos
Sorainen Estonia advised The Climate Corporation, a subsidiary of Monsanto Company, in the acquisition of VitalFields, a European farm management software company based in Estonia. The VitalFields team will join The Climate Corporation, strengthening the company’s efforts to deliver industry-leading digital technologies to farmers around the world. Says Mike Stern, chief executive officer of The Climate […]