VAT proportional adjustment is still possible after submission of final (annual) VAT declaration By the end of April, the EU Court of Justice started working more intensively. In this case, a Portuguese company applied VAT exemption for two years without noticing that the law had been amended and the services were subject to VAT. The […]
SLS liability for incorrect RET confirmed Let’s start from the end. On 30 April, the Senate came to a full stop, or at least a serious exclamation mark in a complicated saga involving real estate tax on expensive and quite old engineering structures. Of course, some finishing touches are still expected – the Senate opinion […]
DAC6 – obligation to notify the SRS about cross-border schemes On 20 April, we gave an account of some fresh Cabinet Regulations (No 210 of 14.04.2020) on our Facebook tax page in relation to introduction of the EU Directive in Latvia. These regulations impose a new obligation on any company to notify the SRS if the […]
The next year will bring us new VAT system changes all over the EU Large-scale draft amendments to the VAT Law have started their course towards adoption in Latvia. The amendments are related to stricter regulation of third-country e-commerce. The European Commission has just suggested postponing implementation of the draft in the EU from the […]
Tax cost – as with any other cost – is something one wants to cut down during hard times. Sometimes, resources can be allocated to places where avoidable costs are the highest. Please see below our brief comparison of tax liability-related costs in the Baltics and Belarus. This reflects the current state of the law […]