Publication / Ieva Andersone, Jūlija Terjuhana, Private: Gunvaldis Leitens
Development of a new Latvian regulation on qualifications for data protection officers is in process. The SDI will be responsible for the exam procedure. Unlike previous regulations, the new ones do not set special requirements for candidates who want to take the exam. The draft regulations state that exams will be announced at least two […]
Publication / Ieva Andersone, Jūlija Terjuhana, Private: Gunvaldis Leitens
Insufficient data protection solutions in a bank Country: Bulgaria Fine: EUR 511,200 A Bulgarian bank has been punished for leaving its 33,492 customers’ personal data without appropriate protection. The case was initiated following notice from a third party that it had free access to the bank’s customer information. After internal inspection, penetration of the bank’s […]
Publication / Ieva Andersone, Jūlija Terjuhana, Private: Gunvaldis Leitens
Director Daiga Avdejanova of the State Data Inspectorate (SDI) informed the public about the work that the organisation has been performing for the last year since the GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) came into force. During this time span, 140 cases of non-compliance with GDPR requirements have been detected. Of these, fines were imposed in […]
For almost everybody in the business world in Europe, but especially for company managers, HR leaders, marketing staff and legal experts, one of the biggest issues of last year was the General Data Protection Regulation of the European Union. The GDPR has been mandatory and directly applicable in all Member States from 25 May 2018. […]