Employee share option card
Tax risks and incentives related to employee share options in the Baltics. Available here: Employee share option card
Top TMT trends for 2022
The telecommunications, media and technology (TMT) sector is one of the most steadily growing sectors in our region and elsewhere. In this newsflash our TMT team take a closer look at the main market trends and shifts over the last year, and share insights as to what 2022 may bring. Limitless scaling possibilities for […]
Tax delay cost in the Baltics and Belarus – comparison
Tax cost – as with any other cost – is something one wants to cut down during hard times. Sometimes, resources can be allocated to places where avoidable costs are the highest. Please see below our brief comparison of tax liability-related costs in the Baltics and Belarus. This reflects the current state of the law […]
E-commerce taxes can have an element of surprise. Be prepared!
Selling goods cross-border on electronic channels entails tax liabilities, some of which may come as rather unexpected. Here are some practical issues our clients have encountered, which hopefully may help avoid their mistakes. As long as you sell goods or provide services in your home country, the rules are simple: you do not have to […]
EU court: VAT exemption applies to health services provided by phone
In March, the EU Court of Justice ruled that VAT exemption applies to health services provided by phone (case C 48/19). X is a private limited company incorporated under German law. In February 2014, the company provided advice over the phone on behalf of its health insurance fund regarding health issues, and implemented support programmes […]