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Finance & Insurance

Our integrated and specialised team has advised and acted for both leading and aspiring players from all segments of the financial services industry. In our home markets, we focus on building long-term and mutually rewarding relationships with financial institutions, as well as new sector entrants who appreciate above all the quality, loyalty and efficiency-generating exact solutions we provide. For our international clients, for whom our countries are not home markets, we strive to provide the best advice and representation that solves their issues and enables them to achieve success in their field. We put to use our broad and extensive experience with finance transactions, business restructurings and transformations, regulatory compliance, product development, financial disputes and all stages of the insurance cycle. Our team members employ the skills they have gained during their careers at Sorainen and at other respectable law firms, as well as from the in-house positions they have held in the industry, or even at supervisory authorities and public sector stakeholders.

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International knowledge at your disposal

We have a reliable and experienced team dedicated to the finance sector and financial services at each of our offices. But we know that every now and then our clients face new issues that don’t have known solutions. In such situations we are particularly helped by the breadth of experience in our international team; the individual knowledge and experience of more than 30 financial sector specialists becomes a joint toolbox which we can employ to solve your issue.

Acute understanding of the regulatory environment

We are privileged to have taken a leading role in advising on such regulation-heavy transactions as the Nasdaq pan-Baltic merger, which created the first cross-border CSD in the world; and Nordea combining its Baltic operations with DNB to create Luminor. We have also helped market players with compliance investigations by regulatory authorities, and on a few occasions we have even advised regulators on the appropriate course of action. With that experience to our credit, you can be sure you are being advised by an experienced team that not only knows the law but understands the regulatory context and the way that supervisory authorities think.

Well thought-out solutions

When financial sector players come to us with problems they need help solving, the issues tend to be significant and often complicated. We do not rush to the drawing board; first we ensure we’ve fully understood what our client needs and what the business context of the issue is. We strongly believe that investing time and thought in developing the exact solution that is right for your issue brings more value to you and helps us foster a better business relationship together.

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