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  • Concerns about investment protection in Russia during its invasion of Ukraine

    Publication / Valts Nerets, Artūrs Kazāks

    In light of the Russian invasion of neighbouring country Ukraine, Russia has encountered sweeping condemnation and severe, previously unseen sanctions from the member states of the European Union, the USA, Canada, and other European countries. These sanctions have delivered a blow to the Russian economy. The rouble’s value has nose-dived, and multiple foreign companies have […]

  • Relocating and employing Ukrainian citizens in Latvia

    Publication / Natālija Ešenberga

    Work in Latvia Ukrainians, as well as persons, having a permanent residence permit in Ukraine arriving in Latvia will be able to work there practically immediately. Upon registration after arrival, Ukrainians will be able to start working in Latvia if they obtain a long-stay visa (issued for one year) and the right to employment (without […]

  • Relocating and employing Ukrainian citizens in Estonia

    Publication / Pirkko-Liis Harkmaa, Maria Plahhotnikova

    Right to stay in Estonia Temporary extension of the right to stay in Estonia for Ukrainian citizens As of 24 February 2022, citizens of Ukraine and any of their direct descending or ascending blood relatives – children or parents travelling with them – or a spouse who has no other legal basis for entry into […]

  • Latvia: The Law on Support of the Ukrainian Civilians has been adopted

    Publication / Natālija Ešenberga, Jūlija Triščuka

    On 3 March 2022, the Parliament (in Latvian – Saeima) of the Republic of Latvia at the second final reading adopted the Law on the Support of the Ukrainian Civilians. The purpose of the Law is to provide support for the civilian population of Ukraine, who leave Ukraine or are prevented from returning to Ukraine […]

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