Who’s Who Legal: Arbitration 2023 lists our arbitration experts
Who’s Who Legal: Arbitration 2023 lists our arbitration experts in its recently published list featuring market-leading arbitrators, counsel, expert witnesses and Future Leaders aged 45 and under. Our highly regarded arbitrators are: Carri Ginter (recommended on the list of Future Leaders – Partner category in Estonia) Maria Pihlak (recommended on the list of Future Leaders – Non-Partner category […]
Who’s Who Legal recommends Sorainen arbitration experts
Who’s Who Legal: Arbitration 2022 lists our arbitration experts in its recently published list featuring market-leading arbitrators, counsel, expert witnesses and Future Leaders aged 45 and under. Our highly regarded arbitrators are: Alexey Anischenko (recommended on the list of Arbitrators and Counsel in Belarus) Carri Ginter (recommended on the list of Future Leaders – Partner […]
The SCC East-West Forum: Arbitration in Poland and the Baltic states
On 10 September 2021, the Arbitration Institute of the Stockholm Chamber of Commerce (the SCC) arranged the second of a series of events devoted to East-West related dispute resolution. This time, the SCC East-West Forum featured arbitration in Poland, Lithuania, Estonia, and Latvia. Our senior partner Aku Sorainen and senior associate Maria Pihlak participated in […]
Sorainen Arbitration Series. Interviews with Arbitration Institutions
Sorainen Arbitration Series is a series of interviews to be released until the end of 2020 with Arbitration Institutions, which are of particular interest to users from Baltics and Belarus. Alexey Anischenko, Sorainen partner in Belarus and head of international arbitration, explains how did the idea of the project come out: «Clients keep asking which […]
Sorainen contributes to international litigation & dispute resolution guide
We are pleased to announce that the International Comparative Legal Guide to: Litigation & Dispute Resolution 2020 has been published and is now available to download for all interested parties for free. Our partner Carri Ginter, senior associate Maria Pihlak and legal assistant Nils-Gregory Aer contributed to the Estonian chapter of this guide. The ICLG […]