Defamation & Reputation Protection

False information or defamatory attacks on your reputation can be disruptive and incredibly costly, regardless of whether you are the victim or the accused. We know how invaluable reputation and safety are to companies and individuals alike.

When your rights to honour, dignity and reputation are threatened, or you are falsely accused of wrongdoing of any kind, successful management requires a responsive team providing concise, actionable and effective advice. This is true whether you are a service provider, merchant, content creator, public figure or state entity.

Our team offers top-level specialists for dealing with defamation, harassment and reputation management issues and defending against such accusations. We have substantial experience in acting for high-profile individuals and companies, who trust us to achieve successful results when dealing with sensitive reputational issues. This applies both before and after publication, and in connection with both print and electronic media, as well as regarding image management, online harassment, threatening behaviour or stalking.

A balancing act

Our experienced lawyers know how to navigate the complexities of counterbalancing the right to freedom of speech and the right to privacy and protection of one’s honour, dignity and reputation, and are able to advise on the risks and remedies for publishing false, misleading or offensive information. Our clients benefit from expert advice on legal action in order to prevent the dissemination of inaccurate information by the media, competitors and the government. When damaging misinformation is published, we rapidly advocate for the truth to correct the record, obtain a retraction or initiate litigation to correct the wrong and obtain fair and just compensation. Likewise, our experts take great care and fiercely defend our clients against false accusations and unfounded civil and criminal proceedings, harassment, threatening behaviour or stalking.


Our objective is to act as a trusted advisor and defender of our clients’ interests, managing a range of risks and coordinating multiple legal issues including defamation, violations of honour, dignity and reputation, expression of offensive opinions, product disparagement, unfair trade practices, online harassment, stalking, unfounded accusations, and civil and criminal proceedings. We help our clients manage threats to their public image in the media, online and elsewhere arising from investigations, high-profile news stories, online reports, public statements, litigation, and individual and government actions.

We can help you with

  • Taking action to have false information corrected or retracted
  • Requesting apologies and public statements withdrawing false information
  • Drafting requests and cease and desist letters to offending third parties
  • Taking action against harassment online, stalking or threatening behaviour
  • Civil and criminal proceedings regarding defamation, harassment, stalking or threatening behaviour
  • Communication with mass media and mass media regulators and ombudsmen
  • Initiating litigation against third parties for violations of rights to honour, dignity and reputation and requesting compensation for reputational and moral damages
  • Defending against false accusations and during initiated litigation and criminal proceedings
  • Defending media businesses and journalists with regard to incidents of harassment, intimidation, threats, and unwanted communication

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