Deals & Cases / Piret Jesse, Isabella Barbara Tisenhusen, Lisette Suik
We advised Compass Group, a UK-based global food service company, in signing an agreement with Fazer Group to acquire Fazer Food Services (including a group company in Estonia), a premier food service provider in the Nordics. Compass Group is a leading global food service company. The Company operates in around 45 countries, employs 600,000 people […]
We successfully represented the insolvent credit union Taupkasė (bankruptcy administrator – Klaipėdos administratorių biuras) in a case over recognising a share as a deposit. The claimant, who was granted a loan by the union, sought to nullify the transaction of purchasing a union share as resulting from a mistake and asked the court to recognise […]
We successfully represented the insolvent credit union Taupkasė (bankruptcy administrator – Klaipėdos administratorių biuras) in a dispute with employees over the amount of downtime pay and termination compensation. The employees claimed that bonuses paid should be included when calculating the average wage. The court found in favour of our client, stating that it was lawful […]
Deals & Cases / Daivis Švirinas, Laimonas Skibarka, Monika Mališauskaitė-Vaupšienė, Ana Novosad, Irma Kunickė, Jonas Kiauleikis, Inga Macijauskaitė, Stasys Drazdauskas, Asta Augutytė-Rapkevičienė, Dobilė Minkutė, Ieva Andersone, Marika Grunte, Andris Tauriņš, Jorens Jaunozols, Līva Aleksejeva
We advised telecommunication company Bitė on entering into a framework agreement with Tele2 to create a shared Radio Access Network (RAN) in Lithuania and Latvia. Partnership to benefit customers and national economies The partnership will boost the 5G network development process so that full coverage will be rolled out much faster than in a standalone […]
Deals & Cases / Tomas Kontautas, Agnė Sovaitė, Dalia Augaitė
We assisted the joint lead managers in a dual tranche Eurobond issue by the Republic of Lithuania, which borrowed EUR 1.5 billion in the international capital markets by issuing two Eurobond issues – a 10-year Eurobond of EUR 650 million face value and a 30-year Eurobond of EUR 850 million face value. The decision to […]