We represent a client in a dispute with the European Commission before the General Court of the European Union. The core of the dispute revolves around the Commission’s decision to exclude the client from a procurement procedure, deeming their bid unacceptable. According to the Commission, the client’s proposal did not meet the minimum requirements. The […]
The aim of the extensive project initiated by the Ministry of Social Affairs in spring 2023 and carried out by the University of Tartu was to draw up a “Long-term personalised medicine programme for 2024-2034”. As a legal expert, the University of Tartu engaged the regional head of our medical and health care team, counsel […]
We advised Berry Global, a US-based manufacturer and seller of plastic packaging products, in the sale of its shareholding in Promens Holding OÜ to SAPA S.p.A., an Italian industrial group specialising in the production of cutting-edge components for the automotive industry. As part of the transaction, SAPA also acquired Promens Zevenaar N.V., the Dutch entity […]
Our dispute resolution team successfully represented Compagnie Française d’Assurance pour le Commerce Extérieur (Coface), a credit insurance institute, in a civil dispute concerning the recovery of debt and default interest amounting to EUR 2.3 million. The client was successful before the courts of all instances, and with a recent decision by the Supreme Court’ the […]
Our senior associates Olivia Kranich (Estonia) and Stasys Drazdauskas (Lithuania), and associate Lūcija Strauta (Latvia), contributed to the project led by the international law firm Bird & Bird partner Pawel Lipski by providing an overview of the implementation of the DSM directive (Directive (EU) 2019/790 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 17 […]