Sorainen represented a client operating in the field of passenger carriage by road in preparing a complaint to the Competition Council. Initiatives are now under way in respect of acts and omissions by the Ministry of Transport and Communications and the State Road Transport Inspectorate which have effectively closed the market in long-distance passenger transport. […]
Deals & Cases / Stasys Drazdauskas, Laimonas Skibarka, Mantas Petkevičius, Augustas Klezys, Jonas Kiauleikis, Monika Mališauskaitė-Vaupšienė, Inga Macijauskaitė, Laura Matukaitytė, Lina Ragainytė-Mezenė, Vytautas Sabalys, Eva Berlaus, Rūdolfs Eņģelis, Valts Nerets, Jānis Bite, Santa Rubīna, Alīna Kalviša, Tits Gulbis, Isabella Barbara Tisenhusen, Cathriin Majas, Hanna Pahk, Olivia Kranich
MTG Baltics is the leading pan-Baltic media house with free TV and pay TV broadcasting assets together with complementary radio assets and a strong digital presence. Bitė Lietuva acquired the following MTG businesses in the Baltics: three TV channels in Estonia (TV3, TV3+, TV6), five TV channels in Latvia (TV3, TV3+, TV6, Kanals 2, LNT), […]
Deals & Cases
Sorainen regularly advises leading global game developer Game Insight on trademark-related matters in Lithuania and the EU. Recent work includes drafting a letter on potential opposition to the Cloud Raiders trademark and registering the Cloud Raiders, Guns of Boom and GEOTWIST trademarks. The Sorainen team includes partner Renata Beržanskienė and associate Ignas Motiejūnas.
On 5 October 2017, the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) initiated case No. 56997/17 SIA Bauskas Dzīve vs Latvia based on a complaint by a regional newspaper publisher against action taken by Latvia allowing municipalities to issue their own newspapers that imitate the independent press. The complaint is based on Article 10 of the European Convention […]
Sorainen assisted INCANA, a leader in the production of wall decoration systems, in its acquisition of multiple forest properties. Sorainen provided expertise regarding the contents of the purchase agreement and assisted in evaluating possible risks that might materialise as regards acquisition of forest property. The client was advised by partner Lelde Laviòa.