SEB bank has leased premises in a new business centre currently under construction. The bank has rented almost the whole area of the business centre and signed the highest-value lease agreement in Lithuania so far this year. The project is expected to be finished by 2020. A class ‘A’ business centre with total area is […]
Deals & Cases / Augustas Klezys, Dalia Augaitė, Eglė Mazėtytė
Sorainen advised the international group of companies Modus Group on entering the Nasdaq Baltic First North alternative market. Sorainen is a Certified Adviser to Modus Group on the First North market in Lithuania. Total nominal value of the Modus Group issue is EUR 4,999,900. The annual interest rate is 5%. Modus Group’s bond issue was publicly […]
Deals & Cases / Raivo Raudzeps
Our team cooperated with the Federation of Security and Defence Industries of Latvia. The defence industries, as well as the Ministry of Defence, were interested in finding ways and means available to purchase innovations in the security and defence sector. For this reason, we conducted an extensive study of the EU and national legal framework […]
Deals & Cases / Maksim Salahub, Viktoryia Mikhnevich
Sorainen Belarus has been advising Geely International Corporation in implementing one of the largest recent foreign investment projects in Belarus – a joint venture with the Borisov Automotive and Tractor Electrical Equipment Plant (BATE). The project involved organizing production of engines equipped with transmission for GEELY passenger cars. The Borisov Engine Plant «Geely» joint venture […]
Sorainen advised investment fund Orion RE Income Fund I, managed by real estate development company Orion Asset Management, on acquiring the B66 business centre located in Kaunas from real estate development company YIT Kausta būstas. This is the fund’s first real estate investment in Kaunas. The B class business centre will accommodate up to 450 […]