Our Dispute Resolution team successfully represented our client PlusPlus Baltic, the biggest pan-Baltic receivables management company’s branch in Latvia, in a civil dispute over the recovery of unjustly withheld funds and statutory interest before courts of all three instances.

The merits of the case

In the case, the opponent claimed damages and contractual penalties against the client, while the client filed a counterclaim for the recovery of funds wrongly withheld and statutory interest. The dispute arose from assignment agreements, regarding which the parties had different interpretations of the assignment of claims to third parties and the termination of the agreements.

Court decision

Both the court of first instance and the court of appeal ruled in favour of the client, dismissing the opponent’s claim in its entirety and upholding the client’s counterclaim in full. The dispute ended in the client’s favour, with the decision of the Senate not to initiate cassation proceedings.

Our team

The case was handled by partner Andris Tauriņš, associate Elvis Grinbergs, and assistant lawyer Nikola Cīparsone.