Our dispute resolution team provided defence for clients who were involved in employer-initiated criminal proceedings for defamation and extortion, and who were seeking to end psychological violence in the workplace.

Our team was actively involved in the pre-trial criminal proceedings, providing detailed, evidence-based presentation of the factual circumstances and an explanation of the assessment they had done from a legal perspective to the officials conducting the criminal proceedings. Cooperation with the officials conducting the criminal proceedings played a significant role in achieving a quick, effective and fair resolution of the criminal relations. Our team was able to explain in the context of the case that individuals cannot be held criminally liable and punished for facts reported by other individuals that aren’t consistent with the truth. It was also possible to convince the officials conducting the criminal proceedings that an allegation of extortion cannot be based solely on a person’s subjective view of the meaning of certain words and statements, without considering the overall context of what has been said.

The team consisted of partner Andris Tauriņš, and associates Ērika Gribonika and Krista Niklase.