As of 1 July, 2019 our Vilnius office will relocate to Live Square, the newly built Class A business centre. The new address of Sorainen Lithuania will be 44A Gedimino Ave, Vilnius. Why we decided to relocate Explains country managing partner Tomas Kontautas, “When looking for a new office, we had some particular criteria in […]
In 2018, our clients entrusted us with resolving their most complex tax issues. This did not go unnoticed by the International Tax Review (ITR), the leading publication for tax professionals. On 16 May 2019, ITR presented Sorainen with the Baltic States Tax Firm of the Year award for the eighth time. Creating added value for […]
“Always stay curious about the world, remain enthusiastic about what you do, and eagerly teach yourself about the new things you come in contact with,” Aku Sorainen, who was recently elected to the trio of best Estonian top executives, cited the recipe for keeping his mind fresh and growing together with his namesake company. On […]
Maastricht University is collecting and studying data on company mobility within the EU/EEA in the project “Cross-border Corporate Mobility in the EU”. The project aims to shed light on new areas, such as cross-border seat transfers and cross-border divisions. Partner Karin Madisson from our Estonian office and Senior Associate Zane Paeglīte from our Latvian office […]
On April 23, with the support of Arzinger & Partners and Sorainen, Minsk hosted the ICC YAF and Young ADR – Belarus seminar, dedicated to issues of resolving IT disputes in Belarus. Representatives of the IT community and international law firms, as well as technical specialists gathered in one room to discuss the specifics of […]