News / Katri-Helen Wojtkowiak
Responding to the challenges that businesses are facing during the COVID-19 outbreak, we are introducing a Sorainen podcast. In the podcast our lawyers and tax experts cover business-critical issues and share their advice on adapting to this unprecedented situation. Listen to the podcast on Spotify and iTunes. “After launching an international COVID-19 Task Force we […]
Now more than ever, entrepreneurs need fast and experienced advice, so that they can survive the crisis, restructure their business if needed, open up new products and services, take care of their employees and make the right business decisions at a critical time. Sorainen’s Corporate and M&A practice welcomes two renowned experts, Pirkko-Liis Harkmaa and […]
Due to the coronavirus outbreak, we have reorganised our work to make sure that we serve our clients around the clock while guaranteeing the safety of our employees. The measures we have taken: Ensuring uninterrupted provision of full legal and tax service to clients, our employees in Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania are working remotely from […]
Sorainen Belarus associate Aliaksei Vashkevich took part in organising the first Minsk Pre-Moot – a preliminary event for the Annual Willem C. Vis International Commercial Arbitration Moot. Pre-Moots are held around the world to give participants the opportunity to practice and prepare for the final stage of the event. Other organisers of the Minsk Pre-Moot […]
Outlined below is a checklist of the measures we are taking to keep our people safe while maintaining to support our clients. With the situation unfolding we encourage our clients and others to also implement these protective measures. Invoke remote work possibilities for all staff members, even without Covid-19 cases in the firm; Encourage employees […]