Sorainen Belarus office assisted Texas Chicken (business of Cajun Global LLC), a U.S.-based chain of fast food restaurants specialising in fried chicken, with establishing of operation of their franchise in Belarus. Work of Sorainen included the review of franchise agreements, advise on the specifics of the local law, and also help in communications with the […]
SORAINEN partner Renata Berþanskienë has been elected as a Council member of the BMI Alumni association for the second time. The association unites more than 550 Baltic Management Institute (BMI) graduates leading scores of companies in at least 30 countries. The BMI Alumni Council association is elected every two years. The newly elected Council also […]
SORAINEN partner Aušra Mudėnaitė has become a member of the board of the Lithuanian Real Estate Development Association (LNTPA). Aušra joined the newly elected LNTPA board, which also includes Robertas Dargis (“Eika”), Vytas Zabilius (“Ober-Haus nekilnojamasis turtas”), Arvydas Avulis (“Hanner”), Kæstutis Kristinaitis (Corporation “Matininkai”), Kæstutis Maksimavièius (“Veikmë”), Gediminas Pruskus (“Inreal valdymas”), Egidijus Damulis (“Selvaag LT”), […]
Publication / Mihkel Miidla, Agris Repšs, Alexey Anischenko
On 14 April 2016, the European Parliament approved the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). The GDPR will replace the currently valid Data Protection Directive from 1995, which has been transposed into the national legislation of each EU Member State. The GDPR will apply in all the EU Member States directly without any need to implement […]
Publication / Agris Repšs, Mihkel Miidla, Alexey Anischenko
On 14 April 2016, the European Parliament approved the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). The GDPR will replace the currently valid Data Protection Directive from 1995, which has been transposed into the national legislation of each EU Member State. The GDPR will apply in all the EU Member States directly without any need to implement […]