We advised Koinvesticinis fondas on investing in Nanoenergija – a Lithuanian startup which has developed vibration energy harvesting technology to power wireless IoT sensors. A total of EUR 180,000 has been invested in the startup by Koinvesticinis fondas (EUR 126,000) and LitBan (EUR 54,000). Although Nanoenergija developed their technology only at the beginning of this […]
We advised Lindstrom, a leading textile rental services provider, on acquisition of Latvian company SIA Tepix’s mat rental services business. Increasing market share The acquisition will allow Lindstrom to further strengthen its position in the market and increase its customer base. Our role in the acquisition and our team We assisted Lindstrom with legal due […]
Sorainen partner Aušra Mudėnaitė continues her activity as a member of the board of the Lithuanian Real Estate Development Association (LNTPA). Aušra, who co-heads the firm’s Real Estate and Construction team in Lithuania, has been selected as a member of the board of the association for the third time. Comments Aušra: “I am grateful to […]
Deals & Cases / Saulė Dagilytė, Mantas Petkevičius, Tomas Kontautas, Eva Berlaus, Rūdolfs Eņģelis, Karin Madisson, Agnė Sovaitė, Inga Macijauskaitė, Rasa Mikutienė, Zane Paeglīte, Santa Rubīna, Aija Lasmane, Isabella Barbara Tisenhusen, Nele Suurmets, Monika Tomberg, Tanel Molok, Irma Kunickė, Aurelija Daubaraitė
We advised Vienna Insurance Group (VIG) – one of the biggest international insurers in Central and Eastern Europe – on consolidating the business of its group non-life insurance companies Compensa and Seesam in Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia. This is potentially the biggest cross-border merger in the Baltics in 2020. Optimising group structure As a result […]
Subsidies to employers are still available – in this article, we offer an overview of available subsidies and eligibility criteria. We are also introducing key aspects to take into account when organising work post-quarantine. Subsidies during the state of emergency Although the quarantine has been lifted in Lithuania, employers can still declare idle time and […]