Publication / Raivo Raudzeps
Vēlamies Jūs informēt, ka šī gada 13. martā stājās spēkā grozījumi Publisko iepirkumu likumā. Galvenās izmaiņas, uz kurām gribam vērst Jūsu uzmanību: Iepirkumu procedūru piemērošanas izņēmumi Grozījumi 5. pantā atļauj likumā noteiktās iepirkuma procedūras nepiemērot šādu pakalpojumu iepirkšanai, ja iepirkuma līguma paredzamā līgumcena ir mazāka par 144 000 EUR: – ekspertu sniegtiem pakalpojumiem ekspertu grupā augstskolas vai […]
Sorainen advised Linna Ekraanid on the sale of the remaining 50% of its shares to Ekspress Grupp. In 2016 Sorainen advised Kindel Reklaam, Unicorpo and Trend on the sale of their 50% shareholding in Linna Ekraanid to Ekspress Grupp. The purpose of the first acquisition was to create preconditions for Ekspress Grupp to set off […]
Sorainen Estonia has concluded a lease contract with real estate developer Porto Franco. The deal ‒ advised by Colliers Estonia ‒ will involve Sorainen renting 1670 square metres in Porto Franco’s innovative office premises from autumn 2020 following completion of the centre. Says Toomas Prangli, Country Managing Partner of Sorainen Estonia, “Every day we advise […]
Our Risk Management, Corporate Crime Investigations & Defence team helped Tallinn city government to formulate its new anti-corruption strategy. To outline the strategy, research was carried out from June 2018 to March 2019. This mainly covered three areas: review of the city’s internal policies and their legality; supervision of property transactions; and random inspection of […]