We successfully represented audit firm KPMG in their dispute with the Estonian Auditing Activities Oversight Board (AJN) in district court. As a result, the ”yellow” quality label assigned to KPMG will expire. In addition, the disciplinary sanction imposed on KPMG was also revoked and the AJN must return the EUR 16,000 fine already paid by […]
Counsel Monika Mališauskaitė-Vaupšienė introduces competition aspects affecting online sales: vertical block exemption regulation (VBER) that affect online businesses European Commission’s approach on prohibiting online sales Dual pricing: charging the same distributor a higher wholesale price for products intended to be sold online than for products to be sold offline Equivalence principle in selective distribution system […]
To gain additional knowledge on what are parity clauses listen to counsel Piibe Lehtsaar. Presentation covers different situations, possible pros and cons, compares current and future vertical block exemption regulation, as well as all-time favourite – dos and don’ts.
The new regulation introduces the “shared exclusivity”, under which the supplier may appoint “a limited number of buyers” as exclusive distributors in a given territory or for a given customer group (currently only one exclusive distributor). However, the shared exclusive distribution must not be misused in order to restrict competition. Listen to presentation on the […]
Partner Ieva Andersone tells about retail price maintenance and its current and future EU regulation. Her presentation covers also comparison with the US antitrust law and potential efficiency defence in the EU.